Friday, August 3, 2012

The importance of gratitude

The stresses of life can weigh us down, when all we see are troubles we can become so hopeless, Was reading a devotional by Joseph Prince when he said that we should be grateful for the little we have and it will be multiplied.

He talked about how Jesus took that little boys bread loaves and fish, he gave it thanks and as a result it multiplied.
So b e grateful for the little you have, there are people in this world who are going through worse. People stuck in the middle of a war torn country who'd give anything to sleep without hearing gunshots.

One of the greatest miracles Jesus peformed was raising Lazaraus from the dead. When he did this he first gave thanks for God hearing him.

Gratitiude honestly can change one's lives, it shifts your view from what you don't have to what you have and this makes you see the things that God has given you instead of what you don't have.

People kill themselves when they don't see that things God has done, being grateful for the little. That's why continual thankfullness is an attitude we need to cultivate each day.

It's really changing my life.