Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Loving someone who annoys you

Loving someone who annoys you or has habits which are irritating is not easy.
However by looking at Jesus it's evident that love isn't easy cause it requires sacrifice or giving up of yourself.

Jesus gave up his throne in heaven & lived here on earth, then he continued and gave up his life as a sacrifice for our sins. He gave up so much of himself, simply because he loved us.

In order to show our brothers and sisters love we might have to sacrifice certain shallow charactristics which we've allowed to take residence in our hearts, like anger & impatience. These maybe things we have to sacrifice so that we can love our brothers & sisters.

The only way in which a romatic relationship can survive is if selflessness drives the relationship. You have to give up your time for date nights, special messages to make not you happy but your partner happy. You always have to keep in mind what makes the other person happy so that they'll want to continue being with you. You then give of yourself to do what makes your partner happy.

Same with loving our brothers and sisters, we have to be selfless, there's something we have to give up, and giving up something is never easy, that's why loving our brothers & sisters can seem hard at times.