Friday, August 10, 2012

Sexyness and being a christian Lady

So Meagan Good got some real hate for doing a burlesque show as she is a christian lady and many felt that it was the unchristian thing to do.

Well you know, I love Meagan, I look up to her and find inspiration in certain parts of her life, so what do I think of it? I think it's her personal faith and relationship with God.
If we all concentrated on our own personal relationship with God we wouldn't have time to judge other people, which the bible does say is ungodly.

What I admired about the interview she did on the whole thing of people judging her about her doing a burlesque show is that she said that she has a relationship with God, she talks to God and he has not convicted her of being sexy.

While I'm writing this I'm reminded of this scripture

John 21:21-22
New International Version (NIV)
21 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” 22 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

So the question is, what's it to us and we should "follow" Jesus and stop judging other people and how christian are they are or not.

When Jesus said in the above verse "what is that to you, You must follow me"
He was saying stop focusing on other people's christian life, instead your focus should be on your own christian life and relationship with God.

Sometimes I look at other woman in church and think to myself, wow they're so spiritual cause they can speak in tongues, prophesy etc. From Meagan Good's interview I've realized that my personal relationship with God is no less than someone else's. It's special. Being super religious doesn't mean you have God's heart more. God loves us all with the same amount of love, which is unconditional and unlimited.
Also I shouldn't be concerned about them and their relationship with God cause as the above scripture says, what's it to me? I should be concerned with following Jesus.

I've also learn't that I shouldn't look down on my quite time with God by constantly reading revelations other woman have had just because they head a church or something.
In my quite time is the time in which God speaks to me about my personal circumstances so that I won't be led astray by different views and advises.
Cause sometimes we think that what worked for someone in a situation will work for us, but everyone's life is different and the answers we need to apply to our own personal situations we get from God through spending time with him.
The commandment which Jesus left us with is to love one another, I personally don't know Meagan Good well but reading her tweets,answering her followers, the way in which she answers interviews... She exudes that Godly love and love is what Jesus said we'd be identified by as his disciples.