Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Idols are joy thieves.

The first time I heard christian rap artist Lecrae was last year round about February, I remember it quite well. It was a Sunday morning and I was getting ready for church. His song "Change" was playing in the background while I was looking at myself in the mirror clipping my hair into place. I remember thinking, man this guy is preaching some life changing stuff.

Fast forward to now, end of July 2012. I've received so many blessings from God from the time I began praying from them in 2011 till now, but guess what? I was happier at the beginning of last year 2011 with nothing than I am now with more, why? Cause at that time I had nothing, when I was just another job seeking University graduate it was just me and God.

Now lets get this clear, I'm not saying that I was happy because I had nothing and could just focus on God. No, there are alot of people who have alot of material things but are great women & men of God who have an amazing relationship with God, that even though they are so wealthy their joy comes from the Lord.
So what happened to me? What took my joy away?
An Idol.
Yes I met this amazing guy, who put my heart on fire, treated me like I'd never been treated before. The nights I used to spend with God having my quite time, I'd spend chatting to my guy about how we're so mean't to be together, I'd end up falling asleep while chatting to him, so guess what? God got booted to the curb cause I'd found my new source of joy.

The relationship ended, it was hard, when he left my joy also went away with him. Now I look back and I realise that my relationship with my ex was an Idol. What's an Idol?
1 John 5:21
Amplified Bible (AMP)
"21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols (false gods)—[from anything and everything that would occupy the place in your heart due to God, from any sort of substitute for Him that would take first place in your life]. Amen (so let it be)."

My relationship was what my life revolved around instead of God. My joy didn't come from God any more, it came from a man. There's nothing wrong with your partner making you happy, but the source of our joy should be God.

The joy that comes from God is indescribable. The cool thing about it is that he's constant, he's always there, he'll never leave. I don't want my focus to be just the joy I get from him, I want to have the relationship I used to have with him,how it used to be before I allowed an Idol in my heart. Just thinking about Gods beautiful character made me sooooooooo fulled with joy. All I could think about was how awesome he is, those amazing miracles he did in the the bible, how he wanted us sooooooo badly that he came to earth, killed like a criminal when he was royalty just so he could re-unite us with him, I was like wow, he's so incredibly magnificent. Yes I'm working on our relationship again, cause I really do miss that, just being so in awe of his sovereignty.

So where does Lecraes song change come into all of this ? Well it's basically bout how we seek things of this world cause we want them to change us inside. Guess the change inside could be the joy that we all seek. He talks about how we look for it in money, clothes and cars and yet it brings no change, (no fulfilment, no joy).

A relationship with God is so essential, once we know God we can talk about his glory to other people. He gave up his son so we could have a relationship with him. We can be satisfied with God and need no other satisfaction. I remember writing that on my facebook "about me" section. I wrote "I'm that girl who finds satisfaction in Jesus and nothing else." I really did. Then I removed it at the end of the year 2011, cause I'd allowed our relationship to go down the drain.

Not all men are going to become an idol in your life and steal your Jesus joy,When your Godly husband comes, it'll be at a time when Both of you will have matured in Christ to a point where you both know how to prevent Idols from taking Gods place in your heart, and your maturity will allow both of you to lead each other to an even more intimate relationship with Jesus and not away from him.

Psalm 16:11 New King James Version (NKJV)
"11 You will show me the path of life;In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."