I'm watching beyonces' documentary called life is but a dream and I've also watched her own interview with Oprah. What did I get from this, life is a progression of choices we've made that God has allowed cause he knew they'd be for our benefit. We have to make the choices and not wait on him to make the choices for us. That's how we experience the beauty of life, God wants us to be strong and trust ourselves. Obviously he knows whats best for us, that's how he says no or wait, but we have to make decisions. We'll sometimes run into collisions in life, but that doesn't mean that God has forgotten our dreams, we gotta keep pushing to get our dreams come true. Don't stop believing, no matter what happens, don't stop believing that your dreams will come true. No matter what what they say about men, there is a good man out there who will love you like ephesians 5 says, like how Jesus loves us, a godly love that is spiritual... the way she loves jay and how she talks about his love for her... its spiritual, it's beautiful, it's Godly, she says carrying his baby has made her love him more, love is not explainable, so many people try to explain love and write about it, but it's beyond our human thinking, no one has mastered it's meaning and how or why it comes about, isn't that the same with God (cause God is love)... I do believe that love is spiritual, cause sometimes you know what you want in a guy, but then you meet someone who's not that but you just love them still, you can't explain it. There's no recipe for it, it just happens through a spiritual connection... after all that I've been going through, I needed to watch that Beyonce docie, she's a beam of love, love from her dad, love for nephew julez, love to empower women.... learning to just live life from the heart and not from recipes or methods, doesn't it make it more exciting when it's from the heart cos that's where God lives, in our hearts.

Jeremiah 3:33-34
“I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
34 No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,”
declares the Lord.
1 John 4:12
No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.