So many things can hold us is bondage and steal our freedom in christ. Like the people whom Paul talked about in the new testament who were taking away the gentiles freedom in christ by requiring them to be circumsised,there are also freedom stealers today.
I know God will teach me more about this topic.
Right now all I can say is that the new commandement tht Jesus gave us was love.Thats the rule he wants us to follow, to love another.
Be blessed.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Don't base your life on other people's experiences
Before I moved to Johannesburg people would tell me not to move up here cause you're always stuck in traffic and that you can't survive in Johannesburg without a car.
Well guess what, I've been here for over a year and I've never experienced traffic and I survived here for for nine months without a car.
Don't get me wrong, there is traffic in Joburg and to some, living without a car is hard, but that was their experience not mine.
So don't allow people's experiences to stop you from living out your dreams. Do a little research as to how you can avoid their horrible situations.
Like in my case I stayed close to work so I could just walk there, therefore I didn't need a car cause the nearest mall was also very close by. I only bought a car when I was finacially capable of doing so.
Oh they'd go on about that it's faster than my hometown, people will influence you into doing bad... seriously the people I've met so far are the most down to earth and the nicest people in the world.
Yea that's just my lil lesson learn't :)
Well guess what, I've been here for over a year and I've never experienced traffic and I survived here for for nine months without a car.
Don't get me wrong, there is traffic in Joburg and to some, living without a car is hard, but that was their experience not mine.
So don't allow people's experiences to stop you from living out your dreams. Do a little research as to how you can avoid their horrible situations.
Like in my case I stayed close to work so I could just walk there, therefore I didn't need a car cause the nearest mall was also very close by. I only bought a car when I was finacially capable of doing so.
Oh they'd go on about that it's faster than my hometown, people will influence you into doing bad... seriously the people I've met so far are the most down to earth and the nicest people in the world.
Yea that's just my lil lesson learn't :)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Loving someone who annoys you
Loving someone who annoys you or has habits which are irritating is not easy.
However by looking at Jesus it's evident that love isn't easy cause it requires sacrifice or giving up of yourself.
Jesus gave up his throne in heaven & lived here on earth, then he continued and gave up his life as a sacrifice for our sins. He gave up so much of himself, simply because he loved us.
In order to show our brothers and sisters love we might have to sacrifice certain shallow charactristics which we've allowed to take residence in our hearts, like anger & impatience. These maybe things we have to sacrifice so that we can love our brothers & sisters.
The only way in which a romatic relationship can survive is if selflessness drives the relationship. You have to give up your time for date nights, special messages to make not you happy but your partner happy. You always have to keep in mind what makes the other person happy so that they'll want to continue being with you. You then give of yourself to do what makes your partner happy.
Same with loving our brothers and sisters, we have to be selfless, there's something we have to give up, and giving up something is never easy, that's why loving our brothers & sisters can seem hard at times.
However by looking at Jesus it's evident that love isn't easy cause it requires sacrifice or giving up of yourself.
Jesus gave up his throne in heaven & lived here on earth, then he continued and gave up his life as a sacrifice for our sins. He gave up so much of himself, simply because he loved us.
In order to show our brothers and sisters love we might have to sacrifice certain shallow charactristics which we've allowed to take residence in our hearts, like anger & impatience. These maybe things we have to sacrifice so that we can love our brothers & sisters.
The only way in which a romatic relationship can survive is if selflessness drives the relationship. You have to give up your time for date nights, special messages to make not you happy but your partner happy. You always have to keep in mind what makes the other person happy so that they'll want to continue being with you. You then give of yourself to do what makes your partner happy.
Same with loving our brothers and sisters, we have to be selfless, there's something we have to give up, and giving up something is never easy, that's why loving our brothers & sisters can seem hard at times.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
More lessons for singles-hunters and visual creatures
Men are hunters and they are visual creatures.
For some1 to be attracted to you first, he would have noticed your looks or the way you conduct yourself, your walk, ladyness etc.
Then he'd hunt for you, after he's seen what he likes.
The hunting and visualness doesn't end when you're dating,he's still the same hunter and still visual.
In your relationship let him hunt for you, and stay beautiful so that he hunts for you. Don't be the one always making dates, always asking when y'all are gonna see each other. Let him hunt for dates around your busy schedule. He might complain that youre not always there but doing otherwise will cost you the relationship no matter how much he complains.
For some1 to be attracted to you first, he would have noticed your looks or the way you conduct yourself, your walk, ladyness etc.
Then he'd hunt for you, after he's seen what he likes.
The hunting and visualness doesn't end when you're dating,he's still the same hunter and still visual.
In your relationship let him hunt for you, and stay beautiful so that he hunts for you. Don't be the one always making dates, always asking when y'all are gonna see each other. Let him hunt for dates around your busy schedule. He might complain that youre not always there but doing otherwise will cost you the relationship no matter how much he complains.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Singleness Quotes
I've taken the following quotes from Amanda Ferguson's facebook status. I really enjoy reading her tweets cause they're so encouraging, hope you like :) You can also follow her on twitter @Ferguson_Mrs
"Dear Sis, don't behave like his wife until you ARE his wife. Living together before marriage, running all his errands, getting a bank account with him......No. "Sampling" what marriage is like is never the route to go. After all, why should he marry you, if he's getting everything he wants for free? My heart especially goes out to women who are dating/courting men who have not given themselves to in a committed relationship with them: DON'T go out of your way to spend all of your time with men who are obviously not ready for u. Chill. Relax. Men are hunters; let them hunt. And if that man wants you, he will take the necessary steps to wed u. Period. God will send you the right man for you IF YOU DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY. If God did it for me, when He sent me Jonathan Ferguson, He can do it for u! He has only the BEST in store for u! Refuse to Settle for less than God's Best:)"
"Dear Sis, don't behave like his wife until you ARE his wife. Living together before marriage, running all his errands, getting a bank account with him......No. "Sampling" what marriage is like is never the route to go. After all, why should he marry you, if he's getting everything he wants for free? My heart especially goes out to women who are dating/courting men who have not given themselves to in a committed relationship with them: DON'T go out of your way to spend all of your time with men who are obviously not ready for u. Chill. Relax. Men are hunters; let them hunt. And if that man wants you, he will take the necessary steps to wed u. Period. God will send you the right man for you IF YOU DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY. If God did it for me, when He sent me Jonathan Ferguson, He can do it for u! He has only the BEST in store for u! Refuse to Settle for less than God's Best:)"
"I truly appreciate all of the feedback, everyone. My heart's desire is to see everyone live life abundantly. However, I have a special passion to empower women. Know this, ladies: You are a jewel. You are royalty. And the man that God has ordained for you will treat you as such #imawitness"
Living in Love, living in God.
So when the spirit of God is in us,this being God, for God is spirit ( John 4:24) his spirit or God in us performs miracles in order to help people in distress.
This isn't limited to certain people. God wants to use us all to help the helpless, God has all the power to help people who are in trouble or pain and wants to use us to help them out of their distress.
So how do we allow God to use us to help others? God is able to use us to help others when he is living in us.How does God live in us? Well firstly when we accept Jesus as our savior Jesus comes and makes his home in our hearts.
1 John 4:15
"All who confess that Jesus is the son of God have God living in them, and they live in God"
The bible also says the following about God's spirit living in us.
1 John 4:12
New International Version (NIV)
"12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."
When we Love another, we're actually living more and more in God,It becomes God's spirit in us living. why?
1 John 4:8
New International Version (NIV)
8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
God is love, so when we live in love, we're living in God, and as we live in God, we can then be used by God to help others, just as Jesus helped people who were sick,poor etc.
When we live in love, it becomes God living and not our limited human nature.
Jesus asked, how would people know that we are Jesus's discples?
13:34-35NewInternational Version (NIV)34 "A new command I give you: Love one another.As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will knowthat you are my disciples, if you love oneanother."
The above verse tells us that you know that someone is a follower of Jesus when they love other followers of christ.
Why is love such a good characteristic to discover if someone is a follower of Christ. Cause the devils children can also prophesy, than can heal, they can quote the bible, but one thing that they have no understanding of is love. Why? Cause love is Jesus.
Now what is love? How do we love each other? Love is not a feeling, its actions
In John 14, Jesus constantly talked about people would show that they loved him by obeying his commandments v21 & v 24. So love is not a feeling, it's doing something, actions show love.
Jesus said that we show that we love him by DOING what he says.
We show that we love him him when we obey him, and when we obey him he makes a home
in our hearts.
So love is doing and we show Jesus we love him by obeying him, so how do we show love to our fellow christian brothers and sisters?
1 Corinthians 13:4-13
New International Version (NIV)
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it k
eeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a r
eflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is loveSo let's go back to love, to Jesus and show who we belong to.
When we are patient, Kind, aren't jealous of another, we don't boast to others about our achievements, when we are honorable, selfless, not angered, forgiving, truthful to them, protect them, trust them, hope and persevere.
The bible says that's how we can show each other love and when we love, we are living in God, Then God Living in us is able to help those unable to help themselves.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Sexyness and being a christian Lady

So Meagan Good got some real hate for doing a burlesque show as she is a christian lady and many felt that it was the unchristian thing to do.
Well you know, I love Meagan, I look up to her and find inspiration in certain parts of her life, so what do I think of it? I think it's her personal faith and relationship with God.
If we all concentrated on our own personal relationship with God we wouldn't have time to judge other people, which the bible does say is ungodly.
What I admired about the interview she did on the whole thing of people judging her about her doing a burlesque show is that she said that she has a relationship with God, she talks to God and he has not convicted her of being sexy.
While I'm writing this I'm reminded of this scripture
John 21:21-22
New International Version (NIV)
21 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” 22 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”
So the question is, what's it to us and we should "follow" Jesus and stop judging other people and how christian are they are or not.
When Jesus said in the above verse "what is that to you, You must follow me"
He was saying stop focusing on other people's christian life, instead your focus should be on your own christian life and relationship with God.
Sometimes I look at other woman in church and think to myself, wow they're so spiritual cause they can speak in tongues, prophesy etc. From Meagan Good's interview I've realized that my personal relationship with God is no less than someone else's. It's special. Being super religious doesn't mean you have God's heart more. God loves us all with the same amount of love, which is unconditional and unlimited.
Also I shouldn't be concerned about them and their relationship with God cause as the above scripture says, what's it to me? I should be concerned with following Jesus.
I've also learn't that I shouldn't look down on my quite time with God by constantly reading revelations other woman have had just because they head a church or something.
In my quite time is the time in which God speaks to me about my personal circumstances so that I won't be led astray by different views and advises.
Cause sometimes we think that what worked for someone in a situation will work for us, but everyone's life is different and the answers we need to apply to our own personal situations we get from God through spending time with him.
The commandment which Jesus left us with is to love one another, I personally don't know Meagan Good well but reading her tweets,answering her followers, the way in which she answers interviews... She exudes that Godly love and love is what Jesus said we'd be identified by as his disciples.
Wise Words from Meagan Good on Singleness and Marriage
"One thing I would say to all woman is DON'T SETTLE CAUSE IT IS OUT THERE it does exist.GOD IS SO MUCH BIGGER & GREATER THAN WHAT OUR SMALL MINDS CAN THINK, what we think is impossible is absolutely possible, and I'm definitely living proof of that and my marriage is definetly living proof of that" Meagan Good

Meagan Good,
Think Like A Man Star, Meagan Good Talks Marriage & Tells Women Why They...
Sunday, August 5, 2012
God created it
Psalm 24:1 (NIV) The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it;
I find myself having negative emotions to certain things, well most people have had a negative view on things like marriage, eating meat,wealth etc but then I'm reminded that all these things were made of God. Just because man has pervesed the things of God, God had made them for good but we've used them for bad.
I was listening to this one pastor speak and he was saying that there's only one way of doing things and that's Gods way (holy,pure and righteously). When we do things in another way, they may succeed for a short while but sooner or later they will fail. When we do things God's way, we may face trial and tribulation for a short while, but soon we succeed.
Psalm 37 (NIV)
"1 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong;
2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
3 Trust in the Lord and do good;dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4 Take delight in the Lord,and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your way to the Lord;trust in him and he will do this:
6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
When people use evil ways to get the things that God has created, the above Psalm says this will happen"2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like
the world, and all who live in it;
I find myself having negative emotions to certain things, well most people have had a negative view on things like marriage, eating meat,wealth etc but then I'm reminded that all these things were made of God. Just because man has pervesed the things of God, God had made them for good but we've used them for bad.
I was listening to this one pastor speak and he was saying that there's only one way of doing things and that's Gods way (holy,pure and righteously). When we do things in another way, they may succeed for a short while but sooner or later they will fail. When we do things God's way, we may face trial and tribulation for a short while, but soon we succeed.
Psalm 37 (NIV)
2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
3 Trust in the Lord and do good;dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4 Take delight in the Lord,and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your way to the Lord;trust in him and he will do this:
6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
When people use evil ways to get the things that God has created, the above Psalm says this will happen"2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like
green plants they will soon die away. "Many times we see this happening to people and we then think that it was Gods creation that caused this (wealth or marriage), but in actual fact it was the way in which they obta
ined what God has created.
There are some of Gods blessings which we have to trust for Gods appointed time to receive them, but while the above psalm says we trust God to receive them, we don't just sit around and do nothing and say we're trusting God but then we are to "3 .... do
There are some of Gods blessings which we have to trust for Gods appointed time to receive them, but while the above psalm says we trust God to receive them, we don't just sit around and do nothing and say we're trusting God but then we are to "3 .... do
good" We are to be doing something good while we trust God.
So never stop desiring good things just because you've seen someone fail or get divorced, what ever it maybe was created by God and we'll receive it and it will be ours for a long time if go about pursuing them in Gods way.
So never stop desiring good things just because you've seen someone fail or get divorced, what ever it maybe was created by God and we'll receive it and it will be ours for a long time if go about pursuing them in Gods way.

Friday, August 3, 2012
The importance of gratitude
The stresses of life can weigh us down, when all we see are troubles we can become so hopeless, Was reading a devotional by Joseph Prince when he said that we should be grateful for the little we have and it will be multiplied.
He talked about how Jesus took that little boys bread loaves and fish, he gave it thanks and as a result it multiplied.
So b e grateful for the little you have, there are people in this world who are going through worse. People stuck in the middle of a war torn country who'd give anything to sleep without hearing gunshots.
One of the greatest miracles Jesus peformed was raising Lazaraus from the dead. When he did this he first gave thanks for God hearing him.
Gratitiude honestly can change one's lives, it shifts your view from what you don't have to what you have and this makes you see the things that God has given you instead of what you don't have.
People kill themselves when they don't see that things God has done, being grateful for the little. That's why continual thankfullness is an attitude we need to cultivate each day.
It's really changing my life.
He talked about how Jesus took that little boys bread loaves and fish, he gave it thanks and as a result it multiplied.
So b e grateful for the little you have, there are people in this world who are going through worse. People stuck in the middle of a war torn country who'd give anything to sleep without hearing gunshots.
One of the greatest miracles Jesus peformed was raising Lazaraus from the dead. When he did this he first gave thanks for God hearing him.
Gratitiude honestly can change one's lives, it shifts your view from what you don't have to what you have and this makes you see the things that God has given you instead of what you don't have.
People kill themselves when they don't see that things God has done, being grateful for the little. That's why continual thankfullness is an attitude we need to cultivate each day.
It's really changing my life.
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