Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wilderness syndrome

God has done the unimaginable for me, what was contained in words through prayer, God has come and made it a reality. However I've realised something about myself,even though God has placed land for me to walk through rough seas on, I still ask myslef after praying if he's really going to do it. There's this wondering in my heart of what will happen, will he really do it.

I began to realise that I was doing exactly what the Israelites were doing as they were going through the wilderness to the promised land, I was doubting God. In the case of the Israelities, God had done so many things for them to demonstrate his power such as giving them food from the sky, breaking down walls for them so they could go through to their promised land, yet in the midst of all these things, they grubbled, complained and didnt trust in Gods goodness. Now I'm standing here, doing the same thing. God has shown that his goodness can't be matched and yet I still doubt him.

Doubting God is the opposite of faith. Doubt is something that should be taken seriously because as christians we live by faith, we believe in what we can't see. So if we're doubting, which is the oppposite of faith then we won't be able to live.

The christian faith is required to be childlike, we are basically supposed to believe all that we hear from our daddy God. His will for our lives is in the bible. He wants us to be prosperous 1 Johne 2, we wants us whole and healed Isaiah 53:5. To receive all these blessings, we have believe in his grace & goodness.