Sunday, May 27, 2012

God knew it before I even prayed for it.

I have a small problem that I need to overcome. When I pray I always wonder how God is going to do it because what I'm praying for always seems so impossible. This I've realised is placing a limit on God and as a result my faith is hindered.

I'm reminded of a time when I was going through something emotionally, my heart was worn out and heavy from the burden it was carrying.One day I was reading this book where this one lady goes to a pastor for him to pray for her sick son however the pastor says, she's the one who needs healing. He then begins to pray for her about something she was going through emotionally and he starts saying things that only she knew of.

I was like wow, if only God could do the same for me, just bring someone to pray for my emotional healing.I then prayed and asked if he could do just that, bring someone who would pray for me so that my heart could be healed. This was on a saturday night. Then Sunday came and at church there was a guest pastor. He began preaching about what I was going through, he'd say things which were conversations I'd have with myself in my head about my problem. I was so shocked, amazed and overwhelmed by the greatness of God. I was sitting there, and I could hardly contain myself, God had answered me so quickly. He truelly is so amazing.

At the end of his sermon the pastor then made an alter call to pray for us, when he came to me he began to prophesy abour what I was going through, he told me that God was going to heal me emotionally and he told me some other things which were so uplifting.

God has healed me,my soul is at peace, I no longer go through those emotions I used to go through, those emotions have been completly lifted from my heart. I'm completly free from every negative stronghold of emotional negativity that held my mind captive.

When I think about this incident I realise that God knew way before I even began praying about it that he would he do it, he knew exactly how and when he'd do it. That saturday night he put it into my heart for me to pray for it because the very next day was the day I was going to receive my deliverance and healing.

This helps me realise that when I begin to pray, God has already set the plan in motion. It's not when I begin to pray that things start to happen. They've already happened. So there really is no need to wonder how he's going to do them, cause he's already done it all. All that's left is for me to ask for what he's already prepared ahead of time. We have to ask because God won't force his plans on us, he's given us the freewill of accepting them or not. We accept them through prayer. There are certain things happening in my life now which seemed so impossible at the time I was praying for them, but God has answered me, and these have manifested.

Just like how reading that ladies story motivated me to pray for what seemed impossible, I hope that you to will be moved to ask God for a miracle.
God is so big, he's so great, there's no limit to what he knows or what he will or can do.

Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified bible)
2:10 For we are God's [own] handiwork (His
workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good
works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He
prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which
He prearranged and made ready for us to live].