Sunday, May 6, 2012


I was going through a tough time, I was so down, shacken and emotionally drained. I began talking to my mother and told her what I was going through, I began to see the light in the darkness, simply from my mothers words.

Words seem so unimportant yet they are. We use them so carelessly not realising how much power we have just through them.

We can change someone's situation just through simple encourangement. We can make a young girls confidence by just telling them that they are beautiful inside and out.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words won't harm me." That's not true, words harm more than sticks and stones.

There are certain things you can think but there's no need to say because you could really be wipping someone emotionally.

Rather keep quite if you have nothing good to say. Also recently I needed a miracle from God, for something which seemed impossible, I would sometimes ask myself if I was being serious on thinking I would get it, my mother once again encouraged me that it would happen even though she knew that the odds were so against me, she didn't say this, she spoke positive words. Someone could have just been like "you know what lets just be realistic about this" but she didn't look at reality, she just spoke positively.And guess what? I ended up getting what I needed. Why? cause with God the impossible is possible.
Her words fed my faith!

I think going forth, I really need to watch my words, be kind, speak love & encouragement to other people cause we are feeding each others faith.