Tuesday, May 1, 2012

He's so creative

One thing I've been recently learning about God is that he's creative. From the old testament to the new, he displays his creative power. He's miracles are never the same for every person.

In the old testament we see this in the two miracles of water gushing out of a rock. In the first water miracle God told Moses to hit the rock and water would come out, and indeed it did. Then later on God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would come out, but instead Moses hit the rock ( We've all expected God to do something in a manner which he did it in the past, we're so wrong). Because of his disobedience God didn't allow him to enter the promised land. (Exodus 17:6) (Numbers 20:9-12)

In the new testament Jesus healed people with the same afflictions differently.In Matthew 9:29 Jesus touches the eyes of two blind men in order to heal them. Then in John 9:6 Jesus creates mud from saliva and spreads the mud over the mans eyes in order to heal him.

So what have I learn't about God being creative with regards to my life? I've learn't that my journey will never be like someone else's. He's already planned my life (Jer29:11) and his plan for my life is unique and it's been tailor made to suit me. Also his process or manner of provision for me will not be the same as some one else (like the story of the blind men) and the manner in which he provides sometimes changes (like the story of Moses and the gushing water)

Isaiah 43:18
" Do not (earnestly) remember the former things, neither consider the things of old. (19) Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it, and will you not give heed to it. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the dessert."