Tuesday, July 10, 2012


God has also been teaching me about singleness.

For a long time I didn't see singleness as a season, I just saw it as a phase in life where you're lonely and waiting for a guy to ask you out... Goodness I'm puting myself out there by being so honest, but that is the sad truth.

But I've been reading some awesome blogs by Godly women who've completly changed my whole outlook on singleness and this is what I've learn't.

God works in season's, not time, Each season has a role to play in out development and growth. Once We've grown and developed we enter into the next season.

For example, when you've passed high school you're able to go to the next stage which is university. Without having gone through high school you wouldnt be able to cope with the University work.

Same with a baby, it stays in it's mothers womb and develops there for 9 months so the baby can can live in the world. Imagine a mother was so excited to see her baby that she took her baby out in three months. Those little lungs wouldn't have developed to their ful capacity and as a result the baby wouldn't be able to breathe and the baby would die.

So to with each season, we need to develop in that season in order to be able to cope with the next season. such is the season of singleness, we develop and grow, getting ready for the season of marriage.

What does our development consist of? We have to develop our relationship with Jesus.
God wants all of us during singleness, once spending time in the wee hours of the morining with God becomes second nature to us, we will be able to do this even when we have kids and a husband to take care of. If we can't even do that now, wake up early in the morning to spend time with God, what are the possiblities that we'd be able to do it when we have other people to take care of besides oursleves.

And the thing about that is, in order to have a successful marriage we need Jesus to be the third person, we need to run to Jesus and not anyone else when we have trouble in marriage or need advice. Ecclesiastes 4: 12 " Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
Jesus is the third strand in our marriage that strengthens marriages so that it's not easily broken.

When people get married it's two wholes coming together as one, if you're not whole then you'll put a burden on your partner that he can't handle cause only God can complete you. When does God complete you? during your time of singleness.

The bible also refers to Jesus as our bridegroom.

"Isaiah 54:5-75 For your Maker is your husband-- the LORD Almighty is his name-- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth."

Jesus is our bridegroom, we're getting ready to meet him, our wedding is his second coming.

Our source of strength is Jesus, the more time we spend with him, the better our relationship will be, satan knows this, so he brings things into our lives to cut us from our source of strength, leaving us weak for his capture.
Watch out for distractions that shift your focus away from spending time with God, for me it's been guys I've dated.

Right now lets pursue God, spend time with him, let him have our first hour in the morning till it becomes a habit. This is a great season, our season of singleness is dedicated to us and our maker.