Monday, September 21, 2009

My anger towards Adults.

Old people or adults get to me sometimes. Well some adults that is. They're soooo judgemental, they act as if they came into this world with mature minds and never went through the phase that comes with being a young adult. They act as if they've never made mistakes in their whole lives and were perfect from birth. Watsup with that? We're not given a book of recipes on how to do this thing called life. We do what we think is right and sometimes we find out in the end that it aint right after all, and thats called A LESSON LEARNT. Instead of judging they can seek to understand and support. There's this thing where African parents dont want their children to move out when they start earning money. They go,oh we didnt live in flats when we started to earn a salary. Oh my goodness,and you wonder why so many men are vegetables that are still dependant on their parents. You dont bring up a child and teach them the ways of life only to hold onto them again,they've been taught now they need to implement what they've learnt into their own lives.How can they start a family and take care of children if they cant take care of themsleves first. They can only learn to take care of themselves once they've left home and arent under their parents care. A bird teaches its new born how to fly and once they know how to fly they LEAVE their mothers nest. Hope I'm less judgemental once I'm a fully grown adult.

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