Friday, September 27, 2013

living by my mind and not heart

So Yesterday I wrote about what I learn't from Beyonces' documentary life is but a dream. Yes I found that she lives from the heart, but for me, to live for from the heart is a dangerous thing. I personally need to live from my mind, or the word of God. Emotions for me, well unbalanced emotions for me, can derail my whole life. God gave us our mind to read the word of God and apply it to our situation. I've been through that whole period of trying to figure life out through philosophy. I'd rather live through my mind from the scripture I remember. I nearly made a stupid mistake cos of listening to my heart. Through every situation, I gotta keep my emotions in check.
I think with us ladies, we become so confused by love, but like the saying says, if he loves you, you'll know, if he doesn't you'll be confused. When a man wants you, there's nothing you can do to stop him and when he wants to leave, there's nothing you can do to make him stay... A guy at work has been confusing, acting like he likes me, but never doing anything about it... then my friend told me, that her mom told her, that if a guy likes you, he'll flat out tell you. Then I looked at my situation then my friends situation. This guy is asking her out, he's a pastor, already talking about marriage, how much he loves her... so from this, whats evident, that he does love her.... my situation, he aint saying nothing... please just a side note, I have two other guys asking me out at this point in time and they're also always telling me how much they want me in their from this, is the silent guy inlove.... never that... it's so clear that the ones who risk humiliation, risk rejection, now those are the one's inlove... but sadly, when we like someone, we ignore all logic, we believe the heart and the bible clearly warns us to not follow our hearts(Jeremiah 17:9)... it's time for me to let it go now... I gotta move on, and keep my sanity.