Sunday, May 27, 2012

God knew it before I even prayed for it.

I have a small problem that I need to overcome. When I pray I always wonder how God is going to do it because what I'm praying for always seems so impossible. This I've realised is placing a limit on God and as a result my faith is hindered.

I'm reminded of a time when I was going through something emotionally, my heart was worn out and heavy from the burden it was carrying.One day I was reading this book where this one lady goes to a pastor for him to pray for her sick son however the pastor says, she's the one who needs healing. He then begins to pray for her about something she was going through emotionally and he starts saying things that only she knew of.

I was like wow, if only God could do the same for me, just bring someone to pray for my emotional healing.I then prayed and asked if he could do just that, bring someone who would pray for me so that my heart could be healed. This was on a saturday night. Then Sunday came and at church there was a guest pastor. He began preaching about what I was going through, he'd say things which were conversations I'd have with myself in my head about my problem. I was so shocked, amazed and overwhelmed by the greatness of God. I was sitting there, and I could hardly contain myself, God had answered me so quickly. He truelly is so amazing.

At the end of his sermon the pastor then made an alter call to pray for us, when he came to me he began to prophesy abour what I was going through, he told me that God was going to heal me emotionally and he told me some other things which were so uplifting.

God has healed me,my soul is at peace, I no longer go through those emotions I used to go through, those emotions have been completly lifted from my heart. I'm completly free from every negative stronghold of emotional negativity that held my mind captive.

When I think about this incident I realise that God knew way before I even began praying about it that he would he do it, he knew exactly how and when he'd do it. That saturday night he put it into my heart for me to pray for it because the very next day was the day I was going to receive my deliverance and healing.

This helps me realise that when I begin to pray, God has already set the plan in motion. It's not when I begin to pray that things start to happen. They've already happened. So there really is no need to wonder how he's going to do them, cause he's already done it all. All that's left is for me to ask for what he's already prepared ahead of time. We have to ask because God won't force his plans on us, he's given us the freewill of accepting them or not. We accept them through prayer. There are certain things happening in my life now which seemed so impossible at the time I was praying for them, but God has answered me, and these have manifested.

Just like how reading that ladies story motivated me to pray for what seemed impossible, I hope that you to will be moved to ask God for a miracle.
God is so big, he's so great, there's no limit to what he knows or what he will or can do.

Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified bible)
2:10 For we are God's [own] handiwork (His
workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good
works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He
prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which
He prearranged and made ready for us to live].

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wilderness syndrome

God has done the unimaginable for me, what was contained in words through prayer, God has come and made it a reality. However I've realised something about myself,even though God has placed land for me to walk through rough seas on, I still ask myslef after praying if he's really going to do it. There's this wondering in my heart of what will happen, will he really do it.

I began to realise that I was doing exactly what the Israelites were doing as they were going through the wilderness to the promised land, I was doubting God. In the case of the Israelities, God had done so many things for them to demonstrate his power such as giving them food from the sky, breaking down walls for them so they could go through to their promised land, yet in the midst of all these things, they grubbled, complained and didnt trust in Gods goodness. Now I'm standing here, doing the same thing. God has shown that his goodness can't be matched and yet I still doubt him.

Doubting God is the opposite of faith. Doubt is something that should be taken seriously because as christians we live by faith, we believe in what we can't see. So if we're doubting, which is the oppposite of faith then we won't be able to live.

The christian faith is required to be childlike, we are basically supposed to believe all that we hear from our daddy God. His will for our lives is in the bible. He wants us to be prosperous 1 Johne 2, we wants us whole and healed Isaiah 53:5. To receive all these blessings, we have believe in his grace & goodness.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Forcing something

These past two days I've learn't about force.
Forcing a situation which we know will turn sour. Both these incidents are from my new experience in driving.My sister left her toiletries at my place because she didnt want to carry baggage with her at school. Then she expected me to drive and deliver these toiletries to her at night after I was done with my lectures. Mind you I had come out of work, had to go to lectures from five till eight then I had to go back home and fetch her stuff from my place then deliver them to her place and go back home again, to top it all of it's at night, I'm not a good driver, I don't know the area well and this is Johannesburg, not the safest city.
So due to the obove I did not take those things to her place for her. So the next day I got out of my night lectures early so I drove to her place & took them for her and I got terribly lost on my way back home, cause the GPS was taking me round in circles and I didn't know the area well & to top it all off it was at night.

That was her and my lesson that I shouldn't have forced a situation which I could see had a red robot. Listen to what your hearts says, it's where God dwells in you.
Again in terms of my parking I was forcing a situation of parking in a steep hill area which wasn't straight.
My car cut into the gate.

I've learn't that when one see's a red robot they should stop. That's all

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tough times

Today at church they were doing a teaching from the book of Daniel.

This is what I took from it and needed to hear; God was with Daniel and the other hebrew men when they were placed in the burning furnance, Jesus was seen in there with them.

Just like how Jesus was with Daniel, Shadrack,Meschack and Abednigo, He'll be with us to during times of fire (hard times). We'll go through tough times but God will go through them with us and takes us out unharmed and unburnt just like how the Hebrew men were not burnt by the fire.

Also in terms of purity, we must be like Daniel and refuse to conform to the world we live in, they were put into the burning furnance because they refused to bow down to an Idol.
When they had to face fire because of obeying God, God took them out and promoted them to a greater level.
Love is an action, we can show God we love him by living for him and not ourselves and this is what the Hebrew men did.


I was going through a tough time, I was so down, shacken and emotionally drained. I began talking to my mother and told her what I was going through, I began to see the light in the darkness, simply from my mothers words.

Words seem so unimportant yet they are. We use them so carelessly not realising how much power we have just through them.

We can change someone's situation just through simple encourangement. We can make a young girls confidence by just telling them that they are beautiful inside and out.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words won't harm me." That's not true, words harm more than sticks and stones.

There are certain things you can think but there's no need to say because you could really be wipping someone emotionally.

Rather keep quite if you have nothing good to say. Also recently I needed a miracle from God, for something which seemed impossible, I would sometimes ask myself if I was being serious on thinking I would get it, my mother once again encouraged me that it would happen even though she knew that the odds were so against me, she didn't say this, she spoke positive words. Someone could have just been like "you know what lets just be realistic about this" but she didn't look at reality, she just spoke positively.And guess what? I ended up getting what I needed. Why? cause with God the impossible is possible.
Her words fed my faith!

I think going forth, I really need to watch my words, be kind, speak love & encouragement to other people cause we are feeding each others faith.

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm not even trying.

I'm at a point in my life where I'm not even trying. I'm not trying to fit in, im not trying to do something for the reason of not wanting to look like I'm a miss goody two shoes or boring. This is me & if what I do makes me a boring person, than maybe that's just what I am.

Guess in high school and early varsity days I found myself not wanting to be seen as a loser or something, so I did things which were out of character. Like Dating, I never did feel the need to date, especially in high school, it wasn't what I needed at that time, but I found myself dating so as not to be the odd one out.

That's over now!
Those day are gone!

No more conforming.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The fight continues

I'm sure I've written about this before...
But I just remembered it again.

When it feels like you always have to fight in order to go forward, remember this, With every progress the Israelits made with their journey to the promised land came a new tribe/nation which would try to stop them from reaching the promised land.
And just like how God fought for the Israelities, he'll fight for you to.

Never give up, don't complain. God is still in the business of peforming miracles.He provided for their every need during the journey, he's about to do the same thing today.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

He's so creative

One thing I've been recently learning about God is that he's creative. From the old testament to the new, he displays his creative power. He's miracles are never the same for every person.

In the old testament we see this in the two miracles of water gushing out of a rock. In the first water miracle God told Moses to hit the rock and water would come out, and indeed it did. Then later on God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would come out, but instead Moses hit the rock ( We've all expected God to do something in a manner which he did it in the past, we're so wrong). Because of his disobedience God didn't allow him to enter the promised land. (Exodus 17:6) (Numbers 20:9-12)

In the new testament Jesus healed people with the same afflictions differently.In Matthew 9:29 Jesus touches the eyes of two blind men in order to heal them. Then in John 9:6 Jesus creates mud from saliva and spreads the mud over the mans eyes in order to heal him.

So what have I learn't about God being creative with regards to my life? I've learn't that my journey will never be like someone else's. He's already planned my life (Jer29:11) and his plan for my life is unique and it's been tailor made to suit me. Also his process or manner of provision for me will not be the same as some one else (like the story of the blind men) and the manner in which he provides sometimes changes (like the story of Moses and the gushing water)

Isaiah 43:18
" Do not (earnestly) remember the former things, neither consider the things of old. (19) Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it, and will you not give heed to it. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the dessert."