Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day of Reconciliation

Today is an important South African holiday. It's called "Day of reconciliation." The new democratic government of post 1994 has made many attempts to unify all the races in South Africa.In the 1900's, post 1994, a truth and reconciliation commission was held as a mechanism to allow the country to forgive each other for all the past hurts. This commission gave people who experienced human rights violation during apartheid the space to reconcile and forgive their perpetrators. The truth and reconciliation commision in South Africa was the first of its kind and now many countries have followed South Africa. My hope on this day is that all South Africans will come together in respecting their cultural divesity and will walk together each day with the spirit of forgiveness residing in their hearts forever.

Friday, December 4, 2009


I saw my friends baby for the first time yesterday. She's so precious. Her name is Okuhle, which means goodness. Wow babies are just amazing. When I have a baby what will her or his name be...It has to have meaning though. Got to go and think...


In my early twenties I have come to realise how important it is we forgive each other. We have no other option but to forgive, thats because people are only human so they're going to make mistakes because thats how we learn and once we've learn't from our mistakes we experience growth. As humans we don't understand how imperative it is we forgive because unforgiveness allows regression,hate and regeneration to manifest. One can observe this through whats occured in Zimbabwe. The black Zimbabweans repossessed the farms of white Zimbabweans unlawfully. They're actions were rooted in feelings of revenge and vegeanance against their white country men,for having oppressed them for many years. Revenge and Vegeanance are actions which are brought about unforgiveness. As a result Zimbabwe is now worse of than it was during segregation. As South Africans we contributed to the ill treatement of human rights in Zimbabwe as we didn't do anything to stop this. As Gandhi said, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.