Thursday, July 29, 2010


Im sure all of us have heard this question "Why is it that when I'm single it seems as if no guy or girl wants me but when I'm in a relationship,they're all over me."
Yes that is the old age question which has confused minds for centuries.

I have my own personal theory which answers this question and it's based on my own experiences and observations.

My theory stems from human nature. As humans we reflect our emotions through our body language.
For example when a person is scared their body will show this emotion through the person folding their hands and always looking away or at the floor, when a person is nervous they might bite their nails. The body has many ways of reflecting the internal emotions it's feeling.

When a person is single they become lonelly and as a result they end up being desperate to find someone to end the horrible feeling of loneliness. They desperately seek a partner to end their loneliness.
What they dont realise is that when they go out looking for a partner they might reflect their desperation in the process.
It's like how many animals can tell when a person is scared, the same goes for desperation, it reeks like a dead cat.

You might not realise it but your body is totally giving you away. Maybe it could be the way your eyes are constantly darting around the room, checking for the available men. It could be the way you've decided to dress, in your attempt to draw attention from the opposite sex you've ended up leaving no room for the imagination. This all spells out DESPERATION.

Desperation shows itself up in many ways and you might not say you're desperate but your body is telling a different story.

No one wants to date a desperate person cause when you're desperate you're indirectly saying that your life is so bad you urgently need someone to save you from your misery.

So you might be wondering how to kill desperation.
If you're a christian, you may seek God cause he does say that we shouldnt worry bout the things of the world, we must seek him and he'll in turn take care of our needs (Matthew 6:25-34).
Also try not be focused on your singleness, don't see it as a time to get a man or lady, use it as a time to focus on you. See it as an opportunity to get to know youself, love yourself and take care of yourself. When you're focused on yourself, you wont look desperate cause you're not constantly on the look out for a man but your focus is simply on you.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I feel as if I allowed every ounce of life to be sucked out of my soul. It was as if my body was lying in the middle of a dry kalahari sand dune, and my aspirations kept taunting me like a mirage in the distance...

Thats how cripling a life lived with no passion is. It's a self inflicted pain that leaves one emotionally bankrupt. It leaves one hollow & dry, with no future to look forward to as its the same boring thing every day.

It doesn't last forever. A time comes for everyone to reclaim their voice. A voice that is strength and it's that strength which allows one to be strong enough to rise up and fly.

Justifying evil

We're living in times where evil is rising up in all corners of the globe.Whats caught my attention is that whenever these perpetrators are interviewed after killing innocent lives they have a peace and calmness about them.
They actually look like they've accomplished something greater than themselves. Whats even more disturbing is that some of these terrorist,racists and xenophobics believe that their cruel actions are for the protection of their religion or country.

This is called deceiption,people are believing lies and innocent lives are used as a medium to accomplish these lies.

Al qaeda congratulated the Islamic terrorist group of Somalia for bombing 76 innocent lives. Children will now be drawn into allsorts of social ills while trying to fend for themselves because the breadwinners of their households have now been bombed beyond recognition. How do you justify such evil?

Deceit is alive and powerful,its gone beyond the boundaries of cults, it's now living in the realms of religion and it's removing lives as if they are of no value to anyone.