Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's still about Faith, YOUR faith.

It seem's there are different schools of thought in the church when it comes to the topic of meeting your Godly spouse. Some say we should wait upon the Lord, seek him and he'll supply all our needs while others believe that you gotta go out there and meet other Christian singles, you gotta put in effort yourself.

This is what I say... both groups are right, why? Cause it all boils down to your individual faith.... yours and no one else's.

While Jesus was on earth he performed alot of miracles, healing the sick, casting out demons and feeding multitudes... however you'd think that every where he went he'd be able to perform miracles right? wrong! There was a time when Jesus was actually unable to change peoples lives through miracles,why you ask? Had his power run out? Had he done something wrong? No it was not Jesus... let me write this verse out for you and you'll see why.

Mark 6:5-6 (NLV)
"And because of their unbelief, he couldn't do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.6)And he was amazed at their unbelief"
It was "their" unbelief that resulted in them not being able to RECEIVE miracles from Jesus... Now lets just look at the part that belief or faith played when other people received miracles.

Matthew 9:28-29 (NLV)
28)"They went right into the house where he was staying and Jesus asked them , Do you believe I can make you see?" "Yes Lord, they told him, we do."
"29) Then he touched their eyes and said "Because of your faith it will happen" v30) Then their eyes were open and they could see!"

And there are many accounts in the new testament where Jesus tells people that it's through their faith that they've received their miracle. (Matthew 9:22) (Matthew 9:29)

So with regards to people in the church having different opinions when it comes to meeting one's Godly spouse, this to will be determined by what one puts faith in.
If you believe that God will match you while you seek him, it will be just as you've believed. You will indeed find God as you seek him and he will match you with the partner whom he deems is perfect just for you. (Matthew 6:32-34)

And if you pray and go out there looking for a man or woman on your own cause you believe it's the right thing to do, that's what you believe and it will be so. Cause the bible says: Mark 11:24 "I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours."

Many women & men will tell you that they had a list of the traits they wanted in a husband or wife, and God brought to them a husband or wife who was exactly that. Others will tell you that they told God that they'll leave everything to him, cause he knows them better than they know themselves, and God brought them a mate who was imperfect but perfect for them as in equally yoked he's Good at the things you're bad at & vice versa. But do you see that whatever these two types of woman/men believed God for he answered them? Cause why? of their faith. That's what they believed in.

I'm not married nor have I ever been but I know that in (Matthew 6:32-G34) Jesus said we should first seek the Kingdom of God above all things, not some things but all (that's including a Godly spouse) will be added on to us.
And I'll leave you with that.