Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lesson from my early twenties.

1) Growing up SUCKS! No lyk honestly,i think its the waiting 4 things to happen. Waiting for mr right,waiting for a call after the interview.No one likes waiting 2) HOWEVA, once you accept that life is challenging and give it to God 2 run, u have less weight on your shoulders and it becomes easier 3) people can be such.... But there are angels on earth aswell.4) people talk s@$t, so listen 2 da beat of your heart. If its a beat of unhappiness,then that says alot! Leave da cheating... 5) love yourself and everyone will,the relationship you have with yourself is the type you'l have with other people. 6) The bible contains alot of wisdom and will be relevant till the end of time 7) lots of people are going through what your're going through. Your're not alone. 8) Enjoy the stage that you're currently in,dont skip stages. Dont act 25 in your teens. Every stage is a preparation for the next stage. 9) You got to love your chosen career, love and passion are the emotions that will keep you going when things get tough. 10) number 9 iv realised also applies to dating and probably marriage. You gotta love him before anything else. When he's lost his job,love is left and will push you to stay 11) I believe,personaly that people get depresd and bipolar because they dont trust God. Once you know him you know that your life is safe in his hands and he has good things planned for you,adversity is temporary.Thats My personal opinion. 12) concentrate on your life and forget what others are doing and saying. Trust me you'l be so happy. When someone wants to tell you the nasty things being said bout you, dont listen. 13) PUSH-(p)ray (u)ntil (s)omething (h)appens (15) i love jelly beans! (16) its hard being good to others,Its hard and thats why therez a reward to it 17) BE HUMBLE!!! EVERYTHING comes from God. AND no likes a stuckup skank,gosh guess they dont like jokn, Im not stuckup. 18) men,hmmm i still know nothing bout that species..... Those are the lessons i've learnt in my 23 years especially the last four yearz. I've still got a lot to learn and I pray the lord blesses me with many more years.

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