Saturday, February 4, 2012

A good attitude is something as christians we're called to have. We are to be humble, slow to anger & love others as we love ourselves.

Living away from & sharing a 2 bedroom flate with a girl who was first a stranger to me, I've realised a few things.
Whether it's her who might start a fight, but I'm in the wrong for allowing it to continue. There are ways to disallow confrontations from turning into a fight. When someone comes up to you, just say... Oh ok, & if they continue, respond again oh ok.
The thing is you also have power from allowing such things affect you.
The power is in the mind. Make up your mind & convince it what you have to so that irritating situations dont affect.
Like for example you can just tell yourself that she's human so she can't be perfect.
For me that helps alot cause then it's easier to forgive the person.
And another thing don't dwell or ponder what mean people say.
Thats easier livin for me