Friday, February 17, 2012
However the acts of selfessness are so wide. One of which i discovered recently was;not talking bout yourself when someone is telling you a story.
I actually have been guilty of talking bout myself when someone is telling me bout something that has happened to them.
So lets say someone is telling you bout a mistake they made. Instead of saying, I would never do that, I always do this. Rather advice her & take the ''I'' out of your advice.
If someone is telling you a story, there's really no need to tell your own experience on a similiar situation. Just let the light shine on that person for awhile.
Well thats something I observed recently on the topic of selflessness.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Feminine yet strong.

Whenever I think about being a strong woman I'm reminded of Alicia Keys song, superwoman.
In the bible we're told countless of times that we should be strong. Here's one of my favourite bible verses.
John 16:33
Amplified Bible (AMP)
33I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]
Strength is a requirement as we live out our lives in this unpredictable world. when times get tough we should move, push forward through the rain & tears.
You have caused men to ride over our heads ; we went through fire and through water ; but you bought us out into a wealthy place. Psalm 66:12 KJV
We will go through trouble times, if we go through them and not turn back, at the end of the troubles we will reach a place of wealth.
2When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, and they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.
God promises us that we can go through fire (trouble time, tribulations) but they will not harm us (Isaiah 43:2).
And when we've gone through these troubling times we'll come out into wealth.
For us women, we normally think that strength is for men. However we are all called by
God to be strong during trying times, we are still to look feminine and take care of ourselves beautifully.
I think another thing that we should adopt is to watch people who we tell our problems.
I believe that we shouldn't tell people our problems. This is something I'm still learning.
The person we need to tell our problems to is God.
He won't tell anyone and he is the only person who can solve them.
I'm reminded of a time when I was so depressed and down. I wanted to give up. My moth
er pushed me to hold on. When I did stay, and hold on, things became better.
They only became better because of my prayers to God. God did things for me I could have never imagined.
One of the things I do, is that I smile, look good, even through the trying times. I keep myself feminine beautiful and neat
My one friend said , that a duck glides through water but you'd never guess how hard they paddling with their legs underneath.
So this year is the year of superwoman.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Self centered
It's always about you. Are you self centered?
A relationship can never work if you can't be there when the other person needs you.
I miss him. I miss how it was in the beginning, I miss chatting to him till I fell asleep. I miss how magical my life felt cause he was in it.I miss the affection that he gave me.
I miss Jesus, I know that he's always with me, but I just need him to move me into the path which will make me whole & at peace again.
I miss him. I miss how it was the beginning, I miss chatting to him till I fell asleep. I miss how magical my life felt cause he was in it.I miss the affection that he gave me.
I miss Jesus, I know that he's always with me, but I just need him to move me into the path which will make me whole & at peace again.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Living away from & sharing a 2 bedroom flate with a girl who was first a stranger to me, I've realised a few things.
Whether it's her who might start a fight, but I'm in the wrong for allowing it to continue. There are ways to disallow confrontations from turning into a fight. When someone comes up to you, just say... Oh ok, & if they continue, respond again oh ok.
The thing is you also have power from allowing such things affect you.
The power is in the mind. Make up your mind & convince it what you have to so that irritating situations dont affect.
Like for example you can just tell yourself that she's human so she can't be perfect.
For me that helps alot cause then it's easier to forgive the person.
And another thing don't dwell or ponder what mean people say.
Thats easier livin for me