Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Perfection ain't perfect

Since I've moved up to the province of Gauteng I've moved to alot of different places. I first worked in Edenvale where I shared a flate with a girl who was a real dear, she'd give me amazing advice, we're still friends to this day.Then I got a job in Centurion, then I shared a flate with a girl who was also quite neat and tidy in her ways, we didn't get along, we were quite different.The last girl I stayed with in Centurion wasn't quite the neat freak. She'd often admit it her self how she loves a clean place but is just so hopeless at keeping it clean, that was my dear Lillian :).Out of all the girls I stayed with in centurion I enjoyed staying with the girl who wasn't the neatest of people the most,Lillian. She was so relaxed, never sweeping behind me, or complaining about how the cups are not in their right place. I had peace of mind staying there, never feeling like I've done something wrong or wondering if what I'm doing is not according to her standards of neatness. The funny thing is, with all the girls I stayed with, we divided the rent equally, however the rules were not equal because the lease was in their name and they'd arrived there before me. But not with Lillian, she didnt have that mindset. Because of my previous flatemates, when I'd arrived to stay with Liilian, I asked her "where can i put my cups" she was like "oh goodness, anywhere this is your flat to, we're paying equal rent" And that day was the beginnig of a great friendship.You know it's taught me alot, there's just no need to be perfect and have everything all in place. Be organised but leave some space, for what, should I say a relaxed atmosphere. Don't have people feeling so upity, that they're scared of you cause you want things a certain way.Guess that's why men talk about the nagging wife. it's not cool to nag, or be to be a perfectionist.That's a major lesson I learn't