Recently read an article which confirmed to me what love is about. SELFLESSNESS but what I also discovered from the article by Delano Squires is that you can't be in a relationship when you can't give your time, emotions etc. Its about giving.
click the link below to read the full article :
click the link below to read the full article :
Are You Really Ready For A Relationship?
"Love expresses itself through giving (e.g., time, resources, etc.)." Delano Squires
"Healthy relationships often require us to put the needs of someone else ahead of our own. This is hard to do if our only concern is what someone else can do for us. Before you make a commitment to someone be sure you at least know what you can offer a potential mate emotionally, socially, financially, and spiritually. You’re probably not ready for a relationship if you only want to spend time when it’s convenient for you or only think about gifts when you’re receiving them." Delano Squires
"The key is not eliminating standards, however, but focusing them on the things that matter most. A person’s “list” should be composed of traits that are absolute necessities, leaving room for flexibility in areas that are “nice-to-haves.” Delano Squires