Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Luther Vandross - Superstar/Until You Come Back to Me (That's What I'm G...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Beyonce Ft. Stevie Wonder - So Amazing (An All Star Tribute to Luther Va...
Usher - Can You Help Me [Chili Tribute]+[OSA Lyrics]
Charlie Wilson - Without You
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Kris Jenner & Robert Kardashians love lesson.

Image from:
So yesterday was a public holiday in South Africa, while lying in bed just after I'd woken up I was busy checking my twitter & someone tweeted about how good Kris Jenner's autobiography was.

I had seen her autobiography in the book section at CNA & I hadn't really thought it'd be a good read cause I mean with all the publicity the Kardashians get, we already know everything.
But then I decided to buy it and give it a try. Well you know it wasn't anything Shakespearean nor was it a bad read, but I just couldn't stop crying at how much love her first husband (Robert Kardashian senior) had for her. My word I want my own Robert Kardashian senior! He pursued her for the longest time, the saddest

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incident in his pursuit was when she was supposed to arrive at the airport cause she was flying in to meet him. He waited with a bunch of roses in his hands and she never showed up.
But he just would never give up, even when her boyfriend at that time hit Robert Kardashian senior cause he'd found Kris and Robert together. He still persisted.
When he finally started dating her, because he was a born again christian, he suggested that they should stop having sex cause it's against what God wants, like this was a thirty something year old man, Beautiful.
When they got married she was 22, he treated her like a queen and introduced her to this cinderellla Beverly hills life, filled with the most influential people of that time, and she was only 18/17 when they met. He was 12 years her senior.
He was so successful that she became a stay at home wife, his friends loved her, the in laws adored her. What more could one desire?
But their romance ended when she cheated on him with a younger guy, and the crazy thing is for 3 months he'd catch her countless of times & he'd stay with her. Talk about a man loving you.
But the lessons I learn't from her story were as follows :
1) Dreams come true.
2) There are good men, oh my goodness very very good men, faithful, God fearing , loving oh so loving men ie : Robert kardashian senior
3) There is nothing called failure, learn from your mistakes and continue to believe that God has forgiven you cause he's a loving God, He'll bless you again for what you lost. After Kris had lost the good man that was Rob Kardashian she was blessed with Bruce Jenner.
4) Love is very real and alive.
5) I know I'm not an expert or anything, but what I realised & what she even said in her book was that you should always work it out cause marriage aint always gonna be all highs. Cause what led her to cheating was the loss in the passion they had once had.
Those were the lesson's I learn't from her book, it was a relaxed read & I enjoyed it.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Being blessed with a talent.

I read the following from this blog :
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God's Design
I Know what God's design for my life is, but it's so hard following it...
What God says you are, is what you really are.
God requires us to be hardworking.

V3"When the foolish one's took their lamps, they did not take extra olive oil with them. V4 But the wise ones took flasks of olive oil with their lamps." Matthew 25: 3 -4
As we know about the story is that the oil lamps of the foolish virgins went out, the wise one's were able to go into the wedding party because their lamps were still burning, but the foolish were left out while they were going to buy oil.
I heard a teaching by Joyce Meyer and she said that those who do the extra work will be rewarded, they're the one's who will be promoted and get the good marks & jobs. matt 25:3" did not take extra olive oil" You are foolish if you do not do the extra work needed for success.
Proverbs 6: 6-11
Go to the ant you sluggard ; consider it's ways and be wise! 7 It has no overseer or ruler, 8 yet it stores it's provisions in summer and gathers it's food at harvest. 9 How long will you lie there you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? 10 A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest--11 and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man."
What more could I say to that... sure is a wake up call for hard work.
That was some much needed motivation from God's word.
Image is from :
Thursday, March 8, 2012
I needed to know this

I miss home, only because staying with my mom was one of the most comfortable time's of my life. So leaving my comfort zone was hard. I saw this wallpaper and it was comforting. So instead of looking back I'm going to leave the shore, if the seas get rough , I will not look back.
let the weak say I am strong-Joel 3:10

Oh the wisdom that comes from the bible.
Faith is talking about what you want to be, not what you are.
Speak the solution and not the problem. The more you say it, the more you'll believe it, and when you believe it, it manifests ( Mark 9:23) "All things are possible to him who believes. All meaning nothing is excluded.
"Let the weak say I am strong"-Joel 3:10. The bible doesn't say let the weak say I'm weak. It says those who are weak must say they are strong. Speak What you want to see, not what you see.
The image is from :
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The faraway tree by Enid Blyton

Grade two classroom while she read to us about the tales of Jo, Bessie and Fanny,saucepan man, Mrs Dame Washalot and moon face.
I would dream that one day I to would walk into an enchanted wood and clim
b up into a tree with magical characters and find myself in different lands.
I can't really remember what the lands were named, but each time they climbed to the very top of the tree there would be a different land, the lands all had different themes. For example the land of sweets.

Oh but that book was enchanting, that's where my love for books started.
One day I hope to read the Faraway Tree to my child and bless her with tales that captured my imagination.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Change has come...
I'm changing to a more positive me, a more loving me and a more happy me...
Listening to the right voices, renewing my mind to be what God says I am.
Reprogramming all that is not inline with who I want to be.
Joel Osteen says we should learn which people to ignore and thoughts to ignore...
Some people are just a waste of time, no need to fight them.
We don't have to fight every battle.
Don't engage in conflict that doesn't matter.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
One thing I've realised is that all men have different tastes (grateful for that). So there is really no need to be around a man or people in general who don't believe you're beautiful, cause sooner or later that belief will rub onto you.
Ignore or keep away from people who don't celebrate you, life is to short to tolerate negativity. Rather be around people who make you feel good about yourself.
I've learn't that myself. My ex boyfriend liked girls with big behinds, I'm not one of those pear shaped girls, I'm apple shaped with big boobs (that's just the truth). Being around him, he'd always remind me about my butt and he'd always talk about girls with big butts, I ended up feeling low and not beautiful. When we broke up I still felt awkward about my body. Until I met a man who when he looked at my body, his eyes lit up.
That's just it. We all have different tastes, my ex didn't like my body, but that other man did.
I was shocked to hear that Kanye West made Amber Rose feel ugly, I mean in my opinion she has a beautiful body and stands out with her unique look.
I just don't understand why you date someone and make them feel low about themselves.
There is no definition of beauty, we're all beautiful in our own way with our own distinct & individual features. And that's the truth.
Friday, March 2, 2012
From an interesting article I read called are you ready for a relationship

Recently read an article which confirmed to me what love is about. SELFLESSNESS but what I also discovered from the article by Delano Squires is that you can't be in a relationship when you can't give your time, emotions etc. Its about giving.
click the link below to read the full article :
click the link below to read the full article :
Are You Really Ready For A Relationship?
"Love expresses itself through giving (e.g., time, resources, etc.)." Delano Squires
"Healthy relationships often require us to put the needs of someone else ahead of our own. This is hard to do if our only concern is what someone else can do for us. Before you make a commitment to someone be sure you at least know what you can offer a potential mate emotionally, socially, financially, and spiritually. You’re probably not ready for a relationship if you only want to spend time when it’s convenient for you or only think about gifts when you’re receiving them." Delano Squires
"The key is not eliminating standards, however, but focusing them on the things that matter most. A person’s “list” should be composed of traits that are absolute necessities, leaving room for flexibility in areas that are “nice-to-haves.” Delano Squires
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